Monday, October 25, 2010

A Little Reflection

As I sit and read all of my past posts, there are a few things that come to mind. First, because I have been a regular blogger for quite some time before starting this one, the format of my blog posts usually stays fairly consistent. In addition, the topics that I blog about are all about what we have discussed in class. However, one thing that I noticed was that the posts that were the most interesting and informative were the ones that included quotes or links.

What I think is my best post is the post titled "The Biology of Race". In this post I took the time to research the question of whether race is truly biological, or simply made up. I looked at many websites, and picked out the few best quotes I could find. I then compared and contrasted my findings to the statements the movie we were currently watching in class had made. I also look at my findings from multiple angles. "[The previous quote] both strengthens and disproves the movie's statement about race, depending on how you look at [it]." I then go into more detail about both sides of the argument. It is important to show both sides of an argument, so the reader can judge for themselves what they think is right, based on the evidence you gave them. I have not done this in all of my posts, however.

In my most recent post, "Why is the Confederate Flag Still Flying?", I was very proud of myself for making an argument about how the Confederate flag is a symbol of pride, not slavery. However, I forgot to look at the other point of view; how different groups of people perceive a symbol like the Confederate flag, and go into detail. Instead, I just provide my opinion, which in this case I do not feel is right. I feel that it is important to show and examine both sides of an argument, something that I will try to do not only on this blog but throughout my life.

My posting started out pretty simple, and then got my exciting once I started adding links, videos, and quotes. This is one way in which my blogging has improved. I have used media to get my reader's attention and inform them of my topic so I don't have to in writing! There are times when I cannot find a good website or video to link on my blog, but I have really been trying to find one for every single blog post. They make the posts not only more informative, but make them seem more friendly.

I am quite proud of my blogging this quarter, and I cannot wait to see what other tricks I can throw into my posts as I learn more about how to use Blogger!

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