Saturday, November 6, 2010

Stay on the Right Path

As we began Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" this week, we began to talk about major themes that surround the book. One major theme is the separation between civilization and wilderness. As it turns out, this is a major theme in many stories. "Little Red Riding Hood" is one obvious example.

The basic model is that there is a civilization, usually with one road, with a forest right on it's edge. The road tends to represent the "correct" life path, while the forest, or the unknown, represents straying off of the path. In the case of "Little Red Riding Hood", if you stay on the path, one follows the life that generations before have followed. It is safe and care-free. However, if one strays from the path, danger (in the form of a wolf, in this case) awaits.

In my opinion, this is a very old-fashioned way at looking at things. In our modern world, there is no way to stay completely "safe" and on the right track. One very clear example of this shift in thinking is an interactive music video by the band Arcade Fire. The video is to the song "We Used to Wait", and it expresses the idea that there is no right path. Everything can be dangerous and scary, even in your own home town. It is a fantastic project called The Wilderness Downtown. You need Google Chrome for it to work, but it is worth downloading Chrome just to see this video.


  1. Jon,
    Its really interesting how the idea of "the right path" has changed. I think that in the times of The Crucible, "the right path" was an idea brought about by parents who wanted their children to grow up to be well-adjusted adults. The teenagers of those times wanted to be like their parents. In contrast, in today's society it is not at all cool to obey your parents. That might be why "the right path" is so much different now. Young people are finding their own paths more often because they are less inclined to follow their parents, so there is no longer a definition of "right".

  2. Jon- I've seen that video before! And while I think it's the coolest thing ever, it really does kind of creep me out. You can see my neighbor's open garage. If anyone in the world can type in a random address and find that, then where is the privacy anymore? I agree with you that safety is huge issue now, especially with development of technology. That's why were so different from the kids in The Crucible and even from our parents. We're living in a completely different kind of society, where nothing is truly private anymore.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oops I accidentally deleted my comment. Here it is again.

    Jon- Awesome video and it is a very interesting idea on how the "right path" has changed over time.

    Jackie-I completely agree with you. Each generation, it seems there are more and more things to worry about and be afraid of. My grandma was telling me that when she was a kid, she would go play baseball in the park with friends or just wander around after school. And this was before the time of the cell phone. Nowadays, if we are not in communication with our parents seemingly every second, they freak out. As technology increases, safety seems to decrease as well as peace of mind. You'd think that increased communication and technology would make you feel safer, but it just opens up a whole other can of worms.
